Testing Out This Heading Description

Here goes your text ... Select any part of your text to access the formatting toolbar.


Set the Font Family inside the Customizer > Typography > Font Manager. Use the HTML for the body font, and the All Headings for the heading font.

Open the child theme CSS file and match up the heading and body font names, then change the font sizes as needed.

Link - No Underline

Headline H1

Headline H2

Headline H3

Headline H4

Headline H5
Headline H6

Body XL

Body L

Body Default – M

Body S

Body XS

Content List View

  • This is a list
  • This is a list
  1. This is a list
  2. This is a list

This is a quote, from the quoted text. 


Colors are fickle. Here’s a starting point that uses a primary brand color, a contrast color, plus surface colors.

In general, surface colors should be used on 60% of the area, primary colors should be used on 30% of the area, and contrast colors should be used on 10% of the area.

  • Primary

  • Primary Alt

  • Contrast

  • Contrast Alt

  • surface-0

  • surface-10

  • surface-30

  • surface-40

  • surface-70

  • surface-80

  • surface-90

  • surface-100

  • success

  • error


These are set up using Global Styles, though you might want to make a copy in CSS in case you need to match up the theme’s buttons or add a button to the header.

PrimaryContrastPrimary AltPrimary Outline
Primary on DarkPrimary Alt on DarkPrimary Outline on Dark
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